Article: Save money and elevate your still-life photography with natural sunlight

Save money and elevate your still-life photography with natural sunlight

Article: Home is where the art is: How to set up a still life studio

Home is where the art is: How to set up a still life studio

Article: Still life photos: How to capture a moment of stillness

Still life photos: How to capture a moment of stillness

Article: Still Life Photography in 5 Steps

Still Life Photography in 5 Steps

Article: Lockdown projects: shoot liquid color abstracts from the comfort of home

Lockdown projects: shoot liquid color abstracts from the comfort of home

WD-40 and microwaved tampons: secrets of food photography revealed

WD-40 and microwaved tampons: secrets of food photography revealed

More interesting notes on food photography.

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The Beginners Guide to Composition in Food Photography

THE BEGINNERS GUIDE TO COMPOSITION IN FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY: aka How to Transform your Food Photos from Good to Bloody Beautiful

“Composition is a way of guiding the viewer’s eye towards the most important elements of your work, sometimes — in a very specific order. A good composition can help make a masterpiece even out of the dullest objects and subjects in the plainest of environments. On the other hand, a bad composition can ruin a photograph completely, despite how interesting the subject may be. — Photography Life

The morning after the night before: inside Germany’s techno clubs

The morning after the night before: inside Germany’s techno clubsÂ