Do Now, 5/7/14, Pictures of the Day: Running Food, Taking Pictures

Do Now: Wednesday, 5/7/14, 2014 Read the essay and describe the image below from NYT Photo Blog,  image #1, 5/6/14,  in three individual sentences using photographic compositional terms. Explain your ideas clearly.

Post your response directly into the blog under “Leave a Reply”.   Take time to look at the image(s).  What do you see?  How do the images make you feel?  What visual threads tie the images together?  What visual elements do the images share that makes the story come together?

Refer to the photographic compositional link above for ideas and accurate terms to describe the images, then choose three concepts, for example:
  • Speak about the camera angle, lens choice, background, the props and lighting.
  • Does the image follow the rule of thirds (explain)?
  • Describe the compositional elements; shape / form, line, space, value, texture and color within the image.
  • Describe the compositional principles; emphasis, balance, unity, contrast, movement / rhythm and pattern / repetition within the images.

24 thoughts on “Do Now, 5/7/14, Pictures of the Day: Running Food, Taking Pictures

  1. There is high contrast in this image. There is shallow depth of field because it is blurred in the background. This image follows the rule of thirds.

  2. the image has a low contrast, mostly grays and blacks. The image follows the rule of thirds and is taken from an eye level. Its also a profile image.

  3. This image has medium contrast. It follows the rule to thirds because the subject hits a focal point. It is taken from an eye level.

  4. This image is taken from a front side view and is a close up. The image does follow the rule of thirds because the subject hits the vocal points. This image has high-medium contrast and has lines that meet the eye.

  5. This image has medium contrast because even though its white, it has a little bit of gray tone. Also the image is candid because the girl is not aware of the camera. It has shallow depth of field because theirs a very small area in focus

  6. This image has medium contrast. This image is following the rule of thirds because the main object its hitting the focal points. It has shallow depth of field because there’s a small area that is on focus.

  7. There is high contrast in this image. There is shallow depth of field because it is blurred in the background. This image follows the rule of thirds.

  8. This image follows the rule of thirds because it touches one of the focal points. This image has medium contrast because its black and white. It has shallow depth of field because their is a small area that is focused and everything els is out of focus.

  9. This image has high contrast. Also there’s shallow depth of field because the focal point is in focus while the rest of the image is out of focus. This image was taken from an eye level because it’s straight forward. This image follows the rule of thirds because it’s hitting more than one power point.

  10. This image was taken candidly, the women was not posed. This image also has medium contrast because it has dark, darks and white grays. The image also has shallow depth of field because looking beyond the women it is blurred.

  11. This image has lots of value because theres lots of black and gray in the image.This image also follows the rule of thirds because the women is off center.The image also has a shallow DOF because because the background is blurred.

  12. The image has medium contrast as the image is stuck between bright whites and dark blacks. This image is also a candid shot as the person doesnt seem to be aware of the camera. While it also follows the rules of thirds as the woman hits several of the focal points.

  13. The photo has low to medium contrast since it seems that only the blacks seem dark but the whites don’t stand out as much since it looks like a dull gray. The image also follows the rule of thirds since the back of the head does touch the focal points. It is also taken with a shallow depth of field since only the woman herself is in focus and the rest is out of focus.

  14. the image follows the rule of thirds, the woman hits several of the focal points. the image has medium contrast. the image has shallow depth of field, because the background is blurred

  15. This image holds medium contrast due to the darkness but certain light hitting areas. Also is a candid shot because the subject seems to be unaware.

  16. This image has medium contrast, a shallow depth of field and it follow the rule of thirds.

  17. There is a shallow depth of field cause the background is blurred, it follows the rule of thirds and it has medium contrast.

  18. The image follows the rule of thirds because the subject hits the focal points. The image also has lines that lead the eye. Also it has a medium/high contrast.

  19. This image has shallow depth of field , it also has medium contrast , and it follow the rules of thirds bc it hit all the power points.

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