Do Now, 4/8/14, Where the Streets Have No Children

Do Now: Monday, 4/8/14, 2014 Read the essay and describe the image below from Where The Streets Have No Children in three individual sentences using photographic compositional terms. Post your response directly into the blog under “Leave a Reply”.   Take time to look at the image(s).  What do you see?  How do the images make you feel? What visual threads tie the images together – what do the images share that makes the story come together?

Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 8.08.53 AM
Refer to the photographic compositional link above for ideas and accurate terms to describe the images, then choose three concepts, for example:
  • Speak about the camera angle, lens choice, background, the props and lighting.
  • Does the image follow the rule of thirds (explain)?
  • Describe the compositional elements; shape / form, line, space, value, texture and color within the image.
  • Describe the compositional principles; emphasis, balance, unity, contrast, movement / rhythm and pattern / repetition within the images.

37 thoughts on “Do Now, 4/8/14, Where the Streets Have No Children

  1. This image seems to have outside lighting meaning its sort of dim its a straight camera angle since it seems the photographer took a picture while in front of the also follows the rule of thirds.the color within the image is very strong because of the green in the tree.

  2. This image follows the rule of thirds because it hits all four of the power points. There are many lines that lead the eye on the tree. This image has shallow depth of field because only some of the image is sharp.
    -Melissa Dohsman

  3. This image follows the rule of thirds. This image has shallow depth of field. The camera angle is up close. The lighting is bright.

  4. While this image is very centralized, it does follow the rule of thirds since there are parts of the subjects/objects on the main points of the imaginary grid lines. There is a shallow depth of field since the main subject, the tree is in focus but the background and even a bit of the foreground by the tree are not. There is a low contrast in this image as shown by a lack of hard shadows, and strong highlights.

  5. This image is taken from a low angle and follows the rule of thirds because the tree meets the vocals points. There are lines that meet the eye and low contrast.

  6. The image is taken from either eye level or below eye level. There is soft contrast and lines that lead the eye. The image is also breaking the rule of thirds. There is texture in the image as well.

  7. This image follows the rule of thirds because it hits all four of the power points. It doesn’t have any lighting and mostly dark colors. Theres line and texture.

  8. This image has lots of textures and lines that lead the eye. The picture was taken at a low angle. and It has a shallow depth of field because is being focus on parts of the tree.

  9. This image was shot from a low angle because we’re only seeing the bottom of the tree. There is shallow depth of field and has high saturation. There are lines that lead the eye and texture. This image does follow the rule of thirds it hits more than one power point.

  10. This image has low contrast and low saturation because its very dull and dark.Theres lots of lines in the image and different shapes within the tree and branches around it.This image also has a shallow depth of field.

  11. This image follows the rule of thirds because it hits all four of the power points. Also was shot from a low angle because we’re only seeing the bottom of the tree.

  12. This image has lots of lines that lead the eye. The position where the image was taken is at a low angle because you see the roots of the tree. This image also has shallow depth of field.

  13. this image hits all four power points which means the image follows the rule of third.the image was also tooken from a low angle

  14. This image was taken at a low angle. This follows the Rule of Thirds, since the subject is located touching the focal points. There is a shallow depth of field present, since the subject is the tree and it is more focused on than anything else in the image. Lines that lead the eye are also present.

  15. This image follows the rule of third because the object touches the powerpoints. It has repetition/patterns in the background. Also it has shallow depth of field.

  16. This image was a low angle shot, since it is the base of the tree. This photo follows the Rule of Thirds because it touches the bottom focal points. This image was shot with a shallow depth of field because the other trees in the background are blurry.

  17. This image follows the rule of thirds because it hits all four of the power points.

  18. its had the rule of third because it hits more than one power point. and it also shot of a low angel. and it has shallow DOF.

  19. The image has a soft contrast and it also has a shallow depth of field. Also the image does not follow the rules of third. This image was shot from a low angle.

    • You wrote “soft” contrast, do you mean low or high contrast? Please explain. Also, when you state an image follows or doesn’t follow the rule of thirds, it is best to explain.

  20. This image follows the rule of thirds because it hit several of focal points. This image has shallow depth of field. The angle of the camera was taken from a low angle. The lighting is dim. Also the contrast is low.

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