Do Now – 10/10/13, Thursday

Based on our lesson and discussion yesterday, complete the “do now” below by placing your answers in the Reply section.  Write in complete sentences, spelling and grammar count.

In your own words, list and define the Elements of Composition.

43 thoughts on “Do Now – 10/10/13, Thursday

  1. Line
    The elements of composition are components or parts of a work of art that can be isolated and defined. this means that little things that you see in a picture, you can explain what you see

    • elements of composition are things used to manipulate pictures. They are used to make the photo better or to make the picture interesting.

  2. the elements of composition are use to manipulate pictures, it is to experiment with the subject or object. They are used to make the photo better or to accentuate or to find interesting

  3. The elements of composition are shape, value, color, line, space and texture. Shape is a contained area. Value is black white and grays in between, unlike color which also means hue needing light to see color. Line is a mark made by a moving point, space is the area used or not being used in a photo. Texture is basically when you can guess how something feels in a photo, like a carpet or a piece of cotton.

  4. Line a line segment that connects two or more points.
    Shape is a form of which an object.
    Space is in which negative space and positive space dwells, negative space being space not being used and positive space is space in which the subject is.
    value is like hue giving the subject or object a sense of weight within a picture.
    texture is the look of what a substance might feel like which gives images a different emotional appeal to it.

  5. Line- can be edges of shapes and lines
    Shape/Form- can be a contained area, can be geometric
    Space- have positive space takes up in a picture
    Value -black and white all gray in between
    Texture – rough smooth etc
    Color- colorful pictures, color schemes

    elements of compositions are a work of art that can be isolated and defined.

  6. Elements of Composition are things that define a photo.
    Shape is an element which is basically where if you folded the picture in half it will be A symmetrical. Value is another element which is more associated with black and white photography. Line is closed to close figured or anything with lines that will draw your attention. Space is another composition where it focuses on scenery.

  7. The elements of composition are value texture color line shape and space.
    Value-The value can add drama and impact its the black and white and grays.
    Texture-Is the surface quality how something looks and feels.
    Color-Enhances the appeal and makes an impact.
    Line-Lines have a greater length than width is a mark made by a moving point.
    Shape-Space is the contained ares theres geometric space and organic space.
    Space-Is the area used in an image theres positive and negative space it gives the picture a 3D feeling.

  8. Line a line segment that connects two more points.
    shape is a form of which an object is of
    Space is in which negative space and positive space dwells, negative space being space not being used and positive is space in which the subject is.
    Value us like hue giving the subject or object a sense of weight within a picture.
    texture is the look of what a substance might feel like which gives images a different emotional look to it

  9. line : A mark made by a moving point.
    shape/form: A contained area.
    space: The area used or unused in a composition.
    value: Black and White and all the Grays in between
    texture: The surface quality.
    color: Artistic term is HUE

  10. The elements of composition are elements of a picture that can be isolated or defined. One of the elements are line, which is basically the edges around objects in the image. Shape/form is also the shapes in the image. Space is also the area in the image around the subject or object. Value is the amount of darkness or lightness in the image. Texture is how the image might feel. Lastly, hue is the color in the image.

  11. The elements of composition are Line, Shape/Form, Space, Value, Texture, and Color. Each element defines a photo differently. Lines are visually seen in a photo as well as shapes and forms that can be identified. Space is when an object takes up space in the photo. Valve is like a black and white photo, texture is something that you can imagine how the object feels and last color are photographs with color schemes or just full of bright colors ex: NYC Night lights.

  12. Line : moving points either horizontal , vertical , diagonal to make up parts in a image .
    Shape/Form : form is a 3 dimensional figures & shape is 2 dimensional figures
    Space : the excess area around the image
    Value : lightness or darkness of a color.
    Texture : the quality of a surface, often corresponding to its tactile character, or what may be sensed by touch.
    Color : light, striking an object, is reflected back to the eye.

  13. 1) Line- A line segment that connects two points.
    2) Shape/Form- Use of area in a 2-dimensional space that can be defined by edges.
    3) Space- Area provided for a particular purpose.
    4) Value- The use of light and dark, shade and highlight.
    5) Texture- What a substance might feel like.
    6) Color- Use of hue in an artwork or design.

  14. Line: moving points that make up parts in an image.
    Shape/Form: Two and Three Dimensional figures
    Space: the area around an image.
    Value: how light or dark an image is.
    Texture: the quality of a surface.
    Color: light that’s striking an object.

  15. The Elements of Composition are Line, Shape/Form, Space, Value, Texture, and Color. Color is the hue of the artwork/design, Texture is the quality of a surface may be or what it may feel like, Value is the lightness or darkness of a picture, Space is the excess area around a subject, Shape/Form is any shapes or forms that can be seen by the eye, and Line is basically lines. : /

  16. 1. Value: Is the tone of an image
    2. Color: Is a hue that’s created by light
    3. Texture: How an object/subject feels like.
    4. Space: Is the area that’s either unused or used completely.
    5. Shape/Form: Is a contained area
    6. Line: Linear mark that’s made with either a pen or a brush.

  17. Elements of composition – Line , Shape/form , Value , Texture , color and space

  18. Line; two points that connect
    Shape and form: 2 and 3 diminutional figures
    Space; The ares around the object
    value Black and White
    texture Quality of how the image feels
    Color. RGB

  19. 1. Value: Is the tone of an image
    2. Color: Is a hue that’s created by light
    3. Texture: How an object/subject feels like.
    4. Space: Is the area that’s either unused or used completely.
    5. Shape/Form: Is a contained area
    6. Line: Linear mark that’s made with either a pen or a brush.

  20. The Elements Of Composition
    1. Line: edges and lines
    2.Color: color schemes
    3.Texture: rough smooth etc
    4.Space:positive space tokken up in a picture
    5.Shape/form can be a contained area, can be geometric
    6.Value:tone of image

  21. Color: Hue that is created by light
    Line: Linear mark
    Space: Area being taken up or empty
    Value: The tone
    Texture: The way it look like it is felt
    Shape/Form: What way it is in

  22. Line-edges of shapes and lines
    Shape/Form- can be a contained area, can be geometric
    Space- area space caution
    Value -lighting of the picture
    Texture – rough smooth etc
    Color- color schemes

  23. The elements of composition are shape, value, color, line, space and texture. The value is the tone of an image. The color is the hue created by the light. The texture is how the object feels like. The shape is the contained area and the line is the lines in the picture.

  24. Elements of Composition is to have
    1. Value: Is the tone of an image
    2. Color: Is a hue that’s created by light
    3. Texture: How an object/subject feels like.
    4. Space: Is the area that’s either unused or used completely.
    5. Shape/Form: Is a contained area
    6. Line: Linear mark that’s made with either a pen or a brush.

  25. Line- edges of shapes and lines
    Shape/Form- a contained area, can be geometric
    Space- it is positive space takes up in a picture
    Value -black and white all gray in between
    Texture – rough smooth
    Color- colorful pictures

  26. Line = a mark made by a moving point
    Shape = a contained area
    Space = the area used of unused in a compostion
    Value= black and white and all the grays in between
    Texture= the surfaces quality
    color = HUE
    -Melissa Dohsman

  27. The elements of composition are as follows
    1.Line- edges and lines in an image
    2.Shape/Form- a contained area
    3.Space- positive and negative area in an image
    4.value- black and white and all the grey in between
    5.Texture- the surface quality
    6.Color- color schemes

  28. Line
    The elements of composition are components or parts of a work of art that can be isolated and defined. this means that little things that you see in a picture, you can explain what you see

  29. The Elements Of Composition are Shape/Form, Space, Value, Texture, Color and Line
    1) Value is the lightness or darkness of an image.
    2) Space is the area around that is use or unused completely.
    3) Texture is how an object or person actually feels when touched.
    4) Color is a hue that’s produced when light strikes an object.
    5) Line is a continues mark made by a pen or any inked objects with a moving point.
    6) Shape is a two dimensional geometrical figure and form is a three dimensional figure.

  30. the 5 elements of composition we went over were:
    repetition/pattern-is the repetition of an object within an image.
    symmetry-which has to do with how proportion sizes are in respect to eachother.
    texture-which defines an objects feel to it.
    depth of field-helps you isolate something of importance in an image.
    and lastly there are lines-which guide your viewer to a different area or point of interest on a picture.

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